Fresh, nutrient dense and delicious micro-greens for Wanaka Lakes residents and restaurants.
big flavour!
small greens…
Buy our micro goodness at Freshlink Grocer in Wanaka.
Or subscribe and have your order delivered to your home or office.
We sell wholesale greens to many of your favourite local eateries.
Our products are not treated or sprayed with any chemicals, just grown in dirt and watered with rain water right here in Wanaka.

You’ve probably eaten our tiny greens! Find us on your plate at…
home delivery
We deliver to your home or workplace on Tuesdays and Fridays. Our greens will need a fridge or chilly bin to pop your order into in the event no one will be home.
Order as and when you need, or set up a weekly, fortnightly or monthly subscription.
wholesale orders
We deliver to your restaurant kitchen door every Tuesday and Friday using re-usable containers and a swapping system so there is no single use plastic involved.
Our products are not treated or sprayed with any pesticides, fungicides or fertilisers. Just grown in dirt and watered with plain ‘old’ water.

Our micro greens are grown in a converted 40 ft container under lights in Wanaka. Plants are grown in soil to ensure maximum microbiome content and flavour integrity.
Seeds are Microgreen approved and not treated with pesticides or fungicides.

Sustainability is baked-in to what we do.
Our grow container is powered by the sun and our greens receive nothing but a healthy dose of soil and fresh rain water.
We manage humidity and temperature carefully prior to harvest, and cut each tray of greens by hand to ensure consistency and quality for every harvest.
get your greens delivered
we deliver fresh micro-greens to your home, office or commercial kitchen twice a week